Gender Fair Search


Consumers want to be able to shop based on their values, now more than ever. They want to support companies that support the causes they do, and they won’t settle for messaging alone – they demand demonstrated commitment.  Both companies and consumers need a trusted independent party to discern which companies meaningfully support equality, and which don’t.

By giving consumers a tool that can quickly and reliably deliver an independent evaluation of a company’s commitment to equality, Gender Fair enables consumers to make values-based decisions in real-time.

Please use the search tool below to determine if your favorite brands have been rated by Gender Fair.  Only companies that have been rated will be returned in the search.  Look up products and services ranging from personal care to automobiles to credit cards.

Ethical consumerism just got a little easier!

Please enter a brand, company or product name in the search bar to determine if it has been rated “Gender Fair”: